Daniela and I went to Patronato to shop for shoes for our company Christmas party, then we went to Bellavista for dinner, walked around the Bellas Artes neighborhood, and saw the Lastarria area. I know this means nothing to most of you reading this, but basically I saw some other Santiago neighborhoods, and I really liked them. I live in the business/financial district, so it is quite different from most other parts of the city.
The weather has been fantastic lately. It is cool enough for a jacket in the morning, hot enough for shorts and a tank top in the afternoon, and the perfect temperature in the evening to sit outside for dinner. I sat outside for dinner Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights here.
As of yesterday, I have officially been here four weeks. I am really enjoying my time here, but I know I’m going to be very ready to be home by the time December rolls around. I am so grateful for everyone who has sent me messages either via the blog, Facebook, or email while I’ve been here!
Since I don’t have any new pictures from Chile to post on the blog, I’ll indulge you with more pictures of Sadie. Zack sends me plenty of pictures of the pup, which is great because I miss her so stinkin’ much! Here she is with her toy Yoshi (Zack says he did not pose these):

I can't believe you've already been in Chile for 4 weeks! Hope you have a great week... it's almost your birthday!! :)