Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November!

Hi everyone! I am super-happy today because today is November 1st! There are lots of reasons to be happy that it's November:

1) Zack visits this month for almost 10 days!

2) My birthday is this month.

3) Thanksgiving is this month. Even though we won't have a proper Thanksgiving feast, I will be spending Thanksgiving with my husband here in Santiago. If anyone would like to DVR the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and freeze a few leftovers for us, that would be great! (I'm only half-way kidding. I love the parade and who doesn't love the food?)

4) November is my last full month of graduate school! My project partner and I are making a big push this month to finalize our Senior Capstone Design Project.

5) Did I mention already that Zack is visiting this month?!?!

Today I am enjoying my 2nd day off as part of a national holiday in Chile. I celebrated the holiday by sleeping in, updating my blog, and I might take a field trip this afternoon.

In reality, I found out that the holidays are for Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and Dia de Todos los Santos (All Saints Day). They celebrate these days by visiting the cemeteries with fresh flowers and they have a big feast. Or they just use the time off as an excuse to go to the coast. Either way, it's a big holiday here. In Valparaiso yesterday, I saw lots of flower vendors on the streets selling fresh flowers for the holiday.

While I'm on the subject of holidays, I will be here for one more national holiday in Chile! Thursday, December 8 is a holiday here, and that will give me some time to pack since I go home the next day. All these holidays are great!

So, I will leave you with this so that I can spend the rest of my morning editing our paper. Later this week I will write about my day trip to the coast yesterday. My pictures are terrible because it was so gray and cloudy. I promise I'll try to do better with pictures!
