Top Ten Santiago Highlights (so far, and in no particular order):
10. Waking up every day to a view of the Andes Mountains
9. No dishes to clean up, no towels to wash
8. Chocolate on my pillow every night
7. Per diem (allowance for adults!)
6. Walking to work
5. Practicing Spanish
4. Learning about a new culture and lots of Chilean holidays
3. Always something new to do on the weekends
2. A reprieve from U.S. politics (not that it's not important)
1. Zack gets to come visit in a few weeks!!!!
Top Ten Things I don't like about being in Santiago (in no particular order):
10. No free refills in restaurants
9. You always have to order your water "sin gas" (without carbonation)
8. Nobody speaks English
7. Smog and pollution
6. The couch in my room is as hard as a rock
5. Two TV channels in English: International CNN and BBC
4. No sweet tea, fried okra, or Chick-fil-A
3. No DVR
2. Lots of homeless doggies on the streets :(
1. I have to use a Blackberry instead of my Droid Incredible 2
Again, those are in no particular order! And I didn't count the obvious negative part of being in Santiago which is that I am away from my loves (Zack and Sadie), family, friends, my church, and my house (and everything else that I love about home).
I'll leave you tonight with some pictures I took this weekend. Santiago had a celebrity in town this past weekend - JUSTIN BIEBER!! The Chileans must like him even more than Americans because they sure did crowd around the W Hotel in hopes of seeing the kid. The police had to close the street in front of the hotel because the crowd was stopping traffic, and there were screaming tweens EVERYWHERE near the Plaza Peru park. Yikes.

Okay, that's it for tonight. Tomorrow (if I find time) I'll try to write about my winery visit this weekend. I've got lots of nice pictures.
Thanks for keeping us all up to date...I love checking in on the blog every couple days. Chocolate on your pillow EVERY night!!??? That is awesome :) -Leslie