The weather has been great here over the past week. The highs every day are in the upper 70’s, so it’s nice and warm but not too hot. The sun here is extremely strong. I think this has something to do with the ozone layer (or lack thereof). I got a little sunburned on Saturday… I need to be more careful and use my sunscreen. I bought a new bottle of sunscreen to bring with me since I was forewarned about the sun, so I’ll be sure to use that next time I go to the pool.
In other news, Zack and I are taking a weekend trip when he comes to visit! We will be going to Mendoza, Argentina for a weekend and I could not be more excited! We have our bus tickets and hotel booked, and I think it’s going to be so great!
Last but not least, I wanted to share a picture that Zack sent me of Sadie with her new friend (toy). We decided to name him Yoshi, and Sadie just loves this little guy. According to Zack, she loves playing with it and she even sleeps with it. Here she is resting in the kitchen with Yoshi:

Hi Kristen! I'm all caught up on your blog now! :) Too bad blog sites are blocked at work... Talk soon. Carmen